Pidato Bahasa Inggris tema Perpisahan

Pidato bahasa inggris tema perpisahan ini berupa sambutan salah satu murid saat acara perpisahan Bapak guru Tercinta (the Farewell Ceremony for our Beloved Teacher). Dalam pidato bahasa inggris tema perpisahan ini salah seorang guru akan pindah tugas ke sekolah lain sehingga perlu diadakan acara pelepasan untuk guru tersebut.

Teks Pidato Bahasa Inggris tema Perpisahan

Valedictory Speech for a Teacher Who Is leaving for Official Duty

pidato bahasa inggris tema perpisahanAssalamu’alaikum wr.wb

With all due the respect to the honorable Mr. Principal, to the honorable Mr. and Mrs. Teachers, and to all my dearest friends and companions.
First of all, let’s say our praise and gratitude to Allah Swt, because of His grace and blessing upon us so that we can gather here altogether in order to hold “The Farewell Ceremony for Our Beloved Teacher”.
To all the honorable audience,
Allow me on the behalf of all of my friends to convey a few words in order to attend the leaving of our beloved teacher, namely Mr. Ardiansyah to Bandar Lampung. During his duty at this school, he has always been a good teacher, he never treated us differently in teaching, and he was always patient and untiring to teach all of us. Therefore, due to his efforts and exertions on us, we often became the winner in many competitions. We also really like the way he teaches us. The way he teaches really makes us easier to take anything he taught into our brain. He also always helped each of his students who were in need.
To all the honorable audience,
Truly, we feel a loss on Mr. Ardiansyah’s leaving to Bandar Lampung. Mr. Ardiansyah is a good figure of teacher and father for all of us. He always teaches us very well and with patience all of his heart. Every teacher at this school really likes Mr. Ardiansyah as well. He is known to be a good and friendly friend, partner, and companion wherever and whenever in need. It is really a deep loss and sadness for us all to see one of our best teachers from this school has to leave this beloved place. However, since Mr. Ardiansyah will be leaving for a duty then we consent to let him leave. Mr. Ardiansyah is a good and obedient person. So, he will always be obedient to every duty assigned on him.
All I can say that I wish Mr. Ardiansyah’s career could develop better in there. In the name of all my friends, we can only pray and say farewell for you, may you have a safe trip and find success there. I hope Mr. Ardiansyah will never forget us as the students who have put colors on his days.
Last words… Please forgive me for all my mistakes on my words. Thank you for the attention.

Wassalamu’alaikum wr.wb

Terjemahan Pidato Bahasa Inggris tema Perpisahan

Pidato perpisahaan oleh wakil siswa dalam Pelepasan Guru yang Akan Pindah Tugas

Assalamu’alaikum Wr. Wb.

Yang terhormat Bapak Kepala Sekolah, Bapak dan Ibu Guru, serta teman-teman yang saya cintai.

Pertama-tama marilah kita panjatkan puji syukur ke hadirat Allah SWT karena atas segala rahmat-Nya pada hari ini kita dapat berkumpul bersama guna mengadakan acara perpisahaan Bapak Guru Tercinta.

Para hadirin yang saya hormati,
Izinkan saya mewakili teman-teman untuk menyampaikan sepatah dua patah kata dalam rangka mengantarkan bapak Guru kita tercinta, yaitu bapak Ardiansyah ke Bandar Lampung.
Para hadirin yang saya hormati, Selama Bapak Ardiansyah bertugas di sekolah ini, beliau sangat baik, beliau tidak pernah pilih kasih dalam mendidik, beliau sangat sabar dan tidak kenal lelah dalam membimbing kami.

Oleh karena itu, berkat jerih payah Bapak, sekolah kita sering mendapat kejuaraan dalam berbagai lomba.

Para hadirin yang saya hormati,
Sebenarnya kami merasa kehilangan atas kepindahan bapak Ardiansyah ke Bandar Lampung. Namun, karena itu merupakan tugas kami pun merelakan. Mudah-mudahan di sana karier Bapak dapat meningkat lebih baik. Atas nama teman-teman kami hanya bisa mendoakan dan mengucapkan selamat jalan semoga Bapak selamat dan sukses.

Akhir kata, kami mohon maaf atas segala kesalahan yang kami perbuat, terima kasih.

Wassalamu’alaikum Wr.Wb.

Demikian pidato bahasa inggris tema perpisahan ini yang disampaikan salah satu murid saat memberikan sambutan. pidato bahasa inggris tema perpisahan ini tanpa mengalami penyuntingan sehingga silahkan berkomentar dibawah jika ingin mengoreksinya.

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