Percakapan Bahasa Inggris dan Terjemahannya High School Reunion

Percakapan bahasa inggris dan terjemahannya tentang pertemuan reuni antar teman sekolah yang sudah 3 tahun lebih tidak bertemu ini adalah contoh yang bisa dipelajari sebagai bahan referensi latihan bahasa inggris. Untuk terjemahannya kamu bisa berlatih menerjemahkan percakapan dibawah ini dengan memanfaatkan glosarry yang telah disediakan.

Dialog Percakapan Bahasa Inggris dan Terjemahannya High School Reunion

percakapan bahasa inggris dan terjemahannya tentang pertemuan reuni

(Fendi, Sonya, and Wawan meeting up for a reunion)

Wawan : So, how have you been, Sonya? *shake hands* It’s been a very long time. Last time we met was when we were still in high school and it was about over 3 years ago. You remember?
Sonya : I have been very good, Wawan. Oh, yes… time flies. I don’t believe that it has been over 3 years ago since from high school. You look great, Wawan. How have you been, anyway?
Wawan : I have been good too. Thank you. You look gorgeous too, Sonya. Nothing has changed from you.
Sonya : Ha ha. Thank you, Wawan.
Fendi : Hey, Guys!!
Wawan : Wow, look! Is that Fendi?
Sonya : Oh, yes, that is him.
Fendi : Hello, Guys. Wow, it has been very a while. How is it going? How are you? *shakes hands with Wawan and Sonya*
Wawan : I’m fine, Fendi. How are you?
Sonya : I’m good too. How are you, Fendi?
Fendi : Yeah, I’m so good as well like always! Ha ha ha. Speaking of which, it has been a long time, right? Nothing so much has changed from you two. Just like usual, Sonya. You always look gorgeous since the first time we met, especially with that dress you are wearing now.
Sonya : Oh, hee hee. Thank you, Fendi. You haven’t even changed a bit as well, Fendi. As usual, you always look cheerful and energetic wherever and whenever you are.
Fendi : Hahaha. Yeah, that is me. And you, Wawan… I think your body look more weighted than before. Do you work out often? I remember that you were still a thin little man back in high school. Heeheehee~
Wawan : Haha. That’s right, Fendi. I came to gym to work out a lot. Since this last two years, I have been working on my weight-increasing program as well. I just wanted to transform my body from a thin little man and it seems that my efforts have been going well.
Fendi : That is great, Wawan. I’m glad you did it.
Sonya : So, what is your bustle now, Fendi?
Fendi : Now I am working on a private company in South Jakarta. I’m an accountant. Actually, I have just graduated about 3 months ago and fortunately I got the job when I applied to this company. And you, what have you been doing, Guys?
Wawan : Just like you, Fendi. I have also graduated from my university about 3 months ago. I have been looking for a job. But, it seems that I haven’t managed to get one. I wish I can get one quickly like you, Fendi.
Fendi : That is great, Wawan. I’m cheering for you. And you, Sonya?
Sonya : I’m still going on with my education for my bachelor degree. I hope it will be going well.
Fendi : That is great, Sonya. I wish for the best for you.
Sonya : Thank you, Fendi.
Wawan : Hey, let’s have some smoothies!

Glossaries (kosa kata) Percakapan Bahasa Inggris dan Terjemahannya High School Reunion

How have you been?/How are you? = Apa kabar
I have been good/fine = Aku baik-baik saja
Shake hands = berjabat tangan
Time flies = waktu berjalan begitu cepat (idiom)
Gorgeous = indah, menawan
It has been a while = sudah lama sekali
How is it going? = Apa kabar? (Menanyakan keadaan)
As well = juga
Speaking of which = ngomong-ngomong
Cheerful = riang
Energetic = bersemangat
Whenever and wherever you are = kapan dan dimana pun kamu berada
Work out = berlatih (di pusat kebugaran)
Back in high school = saat di SMA dulu
Weight-increasing = penaikan berat badan
This two last years = 2 tahun terakhir ini
Transform = mengubah, berubah
It seems… = sepertinya…
Go well = berjalan dengan baik
Bustle = kesibukan
Private company = perusahaan swasta
Accountant = akuntan
Apply = melamar (pekerjaan)
Manage = berhasil (melakukan sesuatu)
Go on = meneruskan
Bachelor degree = gelar sarjana
Smoothie = minuman


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