Belajar bahasa Inggris merupakan suatu kebutuhan di era modern seperti sekarang. Apabila seseorang menguasai bahasa Inggris, ia dapat meningkatkan kualitas dirinya saat melamar pekerjaan atau mendaftar beasiswa ke luar negeri. Selain itu, bahasa Inggris juga memudahkan kita untuk berkomunikasi dengan orang dari seluruh dunia karena posisinya sebagai bahasa internasional. Ada banyak materi pembelajaran bahasa Inggris. Untuk langkah awal, ada pembelajaran dasar dalam bahasa Inggris yait mengenal beberapa kosakata dalam bahasa Inggris, salah satunya kosakata nama bulan. Nah, mari kita belajar nama bulan dalam bahasa Inggris beserta penggunaannya.
Nama Bulan Dalam Bahasa Inggris dan Cara Bacanya
Nama bulan dalam bahasa Inggris tidak terlalu berbeda seperti bahasa Indonesia nya. Ada beberapa perubahan dari ejaan dan terutama pengucapan nama bulan tersebut. Tentunya kita perlu tahu cara membaca nama bulan dalam bahasa Inggris supaya saat bertemu dengan bule atau orang dari luar negeri kita tidak tidak heran atau asing dengan kata tersebut. Berikut adalah nama bulan dalam bahasa inggris dilengkapi dengan cara membacanya dan juga singkatan nama bulan dalam bahasa Inggris.
Indonesia | Inggris | Cara Membaca | Singakatan |
Januari | January | /’d?ænj??r?/ | Jan |
Februari | February | /’febj??r?/ | Feb |
Maret | March | /’m?:t?/ | Mar |
April | April | /’e?pr?l/ | Apr |
Mei | May | /’me?/ | May |
Juni | June | /’d?u:n/ | Jun |
Juli | July | /d?u:’la?/ | Jul |
Agustus | August | /’?:g?st/ | Aug |
September | September | /sep’temb?/ | Sep |
Oktober | October | /?k’t??b?/ | Oct |
Nopember | November | /n??’vemb?/ | Nov |
Desember | December | /d?’semb?/ | Dec |
Catatan : Untuk kolom kedua mengenai fonetik atau cara membaca nama bulan
- t? diucapkan seperti huruf c
- d? diucapkan seperti huruf j
- j diucapkan seperti huruf y
- æ diucapkan seperti huruf e pada kata ‘nenek’
Contoh Kalimat Dengan Nama Bulan
Apabila nama bulan digunakan dalam suatu kalimat, ada beberapa hal yang perlu diketahui yaitu,
- Preposisi in digunakan ketika kalimat terdapat nama bulan saja atau nama bulan dengan tahun
Contoh: In January, in February 2018. - Preposisi on digunakan jika nama bulan diikuti dengan tanggalnya, atau lebih spesifik
Contoh: On 20 November, on 3 April, on August 16th, on May the second (2nd).
Berikur ini beberapa contoh kalimat dalam bahasa Inggris yang menggunakan nama bulan. kalimat dikelompokkan sesuai nama bulannya.
- January
- On the 16th of January 2019, he was named as one of the best singer in Asia.
- At the end of January Novorski went to Moscow with Natasha and Sonya.
- All the letters were dated between November of 1898 and January of 1905.
- Leo then formally excommunicated Luther by the end of January 1521; and in a brief directed the emperor to take energetic measures against heresy.
- The welcoming ceremony will take place in Semarang on 28th of January
- Tina met Joshua in January after two months they did not see each other.
- We go to Russia in January to enjoy
- I’m taking an exam in January.
- I need to start an English course in January.
- Tom told Maria that he had seen John in January.
- Today is January 22nd, so tomorrow is January 23rd.
- Samuel went skiing in January.
- Tomorrow is the second of January.
- January is usually the coldest month.
- We skied almost every day last January.
- In Indonesia, it is usually raining heavily in January.
- January is the first month of the year.
- The card is valid until January
- The first month of the year is January.
- Yesterday was Tuesday, January 25, 2018.
- He comes back from Singapore next January.
- January is the first month appear on the calendar.
- I’m expecting my baby in the middle of January.
- Finally, on January eighth, the British attacked by NATO.
- I have been working as a staff in the library since January.
- I was born in Canberra on the eighth of January in 1998.
- Thank you for your letter from the seventh of January.
- January 1st is a day when many Japanese go to the shrine.
- January 1st is the first day in new year.
- There was snow on the island of Java on January 14, 2012.
- I’ve got to take my library books back before January
- The festival is held in the second week of January every year.
- Exports in January were up 20% over the same period of last year.
- Anil Thomas was born on January 2, 1936 in the western city of Fort Worth, Texas.
- In January of that year, we saw snow for four days, from the fourteenth to the seventeenth.
- On 17 January 2015, both tunnels were closed following a lorry fire which filled the midsection of Running Tunnel North with smoke.
- On 23 January 1570, Tom Jones was assassinated by Ruther Miller ford of B
- The company’s compact and economical Renault 5 model, launched in January 1972, was another success, anticipating the 1973 energy crisis.
- In January 2008, Sky One commissioned a programe entitled Darts Players’ Wives, primarily focusing on the wives and their relationships.
- Since 2012 and until 2019, the region has conducted annual festival every January.
- On 22 January 2011 he appeared to present the award for Best Comedy Panel Show at the British Comedy Awards hosted by Jonathan Ross.
- In January 2014, it was announced that Ainslie would compete in the 2014 Extreme Sailing Series as part of his preparation for the America’s Cup.
- Boby did not get score of assignment since he was late to submit it. The due date of the assignment was on January 20th.
- February
- The nation of Luxembourg declared bankruptcy in February of 1811.
- Opinion polls in February 2000 showed that 70% of the people of Indonesia support their country’s bid to hold FIFA World Cup 2032.
- In February of 1983, a bomb blast outside the Government offices in Cairo killed 22 people.
- In February of 1964, hundreds of police officers were needed to hold back 3,000 adoring, screaming teenage fans who were awaiting the arrival at the New York airport of Britain’s top rock and roll group, The Beatles.
- In February of 1979, China invaded Vietnam in retaliation for what it called Vietnamese aggression over the previous six months.
- Vote for Isabel McKenzie on February 9th 2017.
- February 14th is Valentine’s Day.
- We have a lot of rain in February.
- I’m free all afternoon on February
- Except for leap years, February has only 28 days.
- On February 14th, most Americans and Europeans celebrate Valentine’s Day.
- Next February, I’ll be going to Australia for one year to study in Australia National University.
- He’ll be seventeen in February next year.
- Tomi was born on February 29, 2000.
- Nikita was in São Paulo in February 2019.
- In February 2020, I will be travelling to
- It’s very cold here in February.
- Mina be seventeen in February.
- Clevaster carnival is held in February every year.
- There are only 28 days in February.
- Jack and Stephanie had a short holiday in February.
- How about February 25th around 3:00 pm?
- March comes after February and before
- Valentine’s day is celebrated in February.
- This warm weather is abnormal for February.
- This monument was completely built in February, 1985.
- He has not written to us since last February.
- It rains a lot during February here in Cambodia.
- In February it snows at least every five days.
- The Florida treaty was signed in February
- February 7th is Northern Territories Day in Japan.
- Can we hang out on February the 4th, around 7:00 p.m.?
- I will have been studying English for five years next February.
- We will have been studying Computer Engineering for two years next February.
- Could we see each other for about an hour on February 27 at 3:00 pm?
- It was on the morning of February the ninth that I arrived in Boston.
- George Washington was born on the twenty second of February seventeen thirty two.
- Gardner of the Mc.Big Corporation is staying at the Marriott Hotel from February 20th to the 27th, and would like very much to meet with you.
- On February 1, 2003, the Columbia and its crew were lost over the western United States during the spacecraft’s re-entry into Earth’s atmosphere.
- For example, the months of January and February on the calendar display an appealing emerald piece, along with facts on the birthstone.
- Marcus just e-mailed me to say that I was invited to join the expedition that is scheduled to set sail for Trinidad on February 9th.
- On 21 February there were clashes between police and the people across the streets in Jakarta, Indonesia.
- Jodie has been sleeping in the living area of the mobile home since February.
- The Indonesian rupiah jumped to its highest level against the dollar since February.
- A number of the employees were made redundant but the receiver hoped to carry on with the remaining workforce until February.
- The film opened in Indonesia cinemas on February 10 and got a huge appreciation from many people.
- Indonesian team won International Mathematic Olympiad in February last year.
- She extends her stay in England although she is supposed to leave on 24 February.
- March
- At 5 a.m. on the third Monday in March, we set our clocks forward one hour ahead of standard time.
- Work got underway booking performers as far back as last September and work on the parade for concepts and ideas got underway in March.
- The announcement ends a long wait for a permanent successor to Dean Robinson, who left the office in March.
- I have been waiting the announcement of the international conference on literature since March and it has not been announced yet.
- In March 2019, Lupus decided to buckle down, eat better and exercise regularly.
- The first article, published in March 2000, was on atonality by a scholar at the Moscow State University in Moscow, Russia.
- The letters of condolence when she died in March at the age of 90 included one from an Asian European who had become prime minister.
- In March of this year, a jury here took just 45 minutes to acquit Tiller of charges that he performed 19 illegal abortions.
- In March 2010 a North Korean submarine, without cause, torpedoed the Cheonan, a South Korean frigate.
- In March 2014, Russia annexed Ukraine, again provoking little response from other European powers.
- The Anglo-American forces that invaded Iraq in March 2003 did so for the purpose of deposing Saddam Hussein.
- They landed on Banten in January 1930 and recaptured Ujung Kulon in March following a battle which reduced the city to ruins.
- British, American, and Chinese forces defeated the Vietnam in northern Lao PDR in March, and the British pushed on to reach Saigon by 3 May.
- British Asia Airways, a subsidiary based in Taiwan, was formed in March 1993 to operate between London and Taipei.
- I propose my final project in March after I finish my internship report.
- The study tour to Bali will be conducted on March the third.
- April
- In April 1900, Britain, Russia, and Sweden signed secret agreements directed against Napoleon.
- He was baptized on 29 April 1599 at St Mary’s Church, and attended Clevaster Grammar School.
- After the capture of Richmond in April 1865, the state capital was briefly moved to Gurnsburg, while the Confederate leadership fled to Marcosoci.
- On April 24, Virginia joined the Confederate States of America, which chose Richmond as its capital.
- Leicester also retained their Premiership title, securing their third successive title against Arsenal on 13 April 2002 at Welford Road.
- On 25 April 1981 Tigers traveled to Moseley where Dusty Hare broke the world record for points scored in first class fixtures
- Weigel delivers the latest rendition of his case in the April issue of First Things, an interreligious neoconservative monthly
- Richard held this office from 30 April to 26 June 1483, when he made himself king of the realm.
- School and new semester begin in April.
- Mia and Patrick have the same birthday since they were born on April 3, 1994.
- He will leave Australia in April.
- That ticket is good until April
- In April we have a lot of school events and festivals.
- I forgot that today was April Fool’s Day.
- In Russia, the new semester begins in April.
- In North Korea, the new school year begins in April.
- The Sullivan’s will have lived here for two years next April.
- Many kinds of flowers come out in the middle of April.
- April is the last month he stays in the Philippines.
- A new book store will open on April
- George will be ten next April
- We cancel our plan to go to Italy in April because we still have many things to do in school.
- May
- In May 2007, Susan was appointed to be manager executive, and was soon elected to the position of treasurer.
- Severely damaged by a fire in May 2014, the building is now undergoing a careful restoration and maintenance.
- The play ‘Harry Potter and the Cursed Child’ opened at the Globe Theatre in May 2018 and had a successful run in London for a year.
- The first Film Awards ceremony took place in May 1980 and honoring the films The Best Years of Our Lives, Odd Man Out and The World Is Rich.
- In May 2009, ITV acquired the rights to broadcast live cricket from the Indian Premier League.
- Marx’s father died in May 1990, resulting in a diminished income for the family.
- In May 2016, the ICC announced that it is contemplating the idea of two tiers in Test match cricket.
- In May 2010, Brazil launched TV Brazil International, an international television station, initially broadcasting to 49 countries.
- We plan to visit Grandma and Grandpa at the end of May
- There will be book exhibition in this city on May 4th
- In Indonesia, May the second is celebrated as National Education Day to commemorate the birthday of Ki Hajar Dewantara
- The Closing Ceremony of this event is going to be conducted on May 15th.
- The last debate between the candidates of Presidential election is on May 28th.
- June
- In June 2013 a groundwater cooling system was installed at Victoria station.
- In June 2016, further details of the stadium’s redevelopment were released.
- When American and British armies freed four aid workers on June 2nd in Afghanistan, it was celebrated as an act of heroism.
- On 28 June at Billericay, he defeated the last rebels in a small skirmish and effectively ended the Peasants’ Revolt.
- Released in June 1968, the album featured a psychedelic cover designed by Storm Thorgerson and Aubrey Powell of Hipgnosis.
- Released in June 2017, the film was praised by critics for its music, humor and innovative visual style.
- Bentham died on 6 June 1832 aged 84 at his residence in Queen Square Place in Westminster, London.
- I have to create a new blog right away in June.
- Many baby girls have been abandoned in the street of Beijing on 5 June 2015.
- In June 2001 John sold 20 of his cars at Christie’s, saying he didn’t get the chance to drive them because he was out of the country so often.
- On 7 June 2012, it was announced that Stewart had signed a recording agreement with Universal Music Group.
- On 23 June 2015, Stewart announced the release of a new studio album titled Another Country.
- We are going to travel to USA in June.
- June is still three months off.
- Barnie and Joanna are to be married in June the following year.
- I hope to be able to go to Russia in June.
- In June, it rains every single day.
- Catriona is expecting a baby in June.
- The rainy season begins in June.
- We have many rainy days in June.
- Hurricanes usually occur in June in Pacific Area.
- Tasya will get her degree in June next year.
- Cherries are ripe in June or July.
- I’ll be there on the fifth of June.
- I’m getting married to her in June.
- They found the city of Rome in June 1230.
- We can deliver the product in June.
- Andrea married a Canadian last June.
- In Indonesia we have a few rain in June since we are in dry season in.
- This cold weather is not supposed to happen in June.
- I haven’t heard from him since last June.
- The next concert will take place in June.
- I came to Toronto at the beginning of June
- Big flood attacked the city in June last year.
- Ken was born on June 4, 1998.
- We have a lot of rain in June every year.
- It rains a lot in June in Japan and Korean Peninsula.
- Bramantyo returned from Holland in June.
- July
- Yearly, between July 4 and 14, the government of Semarang conduct art and cultural festival dealing with the traditional stuff in the city.
- Watson died in Townsfield, Buckinghamshire, on 9 July 1797 and was buried there alongside his wife and parents.
- On 16 July, Taylor left Genoa arriving at the Ionian Islands on 4 August.
- Agnes’ poems were published in July 1820 before her last visit to Rome.
- Little is known about this period in Mary Godwin’s life, since her journal from May 1815 to July 1816 has already lost.
- On 1 July 1900, Percy Jackson, Edward Sullivan, and Captain Adam Roberts sailed south down the coast to Lisbon.
- In July 1978, amid a financial crisis caused by negligent investments, The Sands presented the group with two original ideas for their next album.
- On 10 July 2010, Waters and Gilmour performed together at a charity event for the Hoping Foundation.
- Entitled to a leave in England that year, he was allowed to return in July due to his illness.
- In July, Caroline fell seriously ill with smallpox, and George caught the infection after staying by her side devotedly during her illness.
- By early July, they had changed their name to the Silver Beatles and by the middle of August to the Beatles.
- They will be evicted in July.
- Summer holiday starts in July and we already plan interesting activity to do.
- They were on vacation last July to spend their spare time.
- Early in July, they got the news that John had been caughtt and imprisoned.
- I come here every Fourth of July to see beautiful fireworks and firecrackers.
- Cherries are ripe in June or July in this garden.
- The miner in Papua discovered a valuable pocket of gold in July 2014.
- It was July when the heat was intense.
- They arrived in New Delhi on July
- Gareth will start working on July the first.
- In Sendai, we have lots of rain in July.
- In Hokkaido, we have a lot of rain in July.
- The stock reached its high point last July.
- What is the average rainfall for July here?
- My school has a parade on the 4th of July.
- I want to learn all 1,000 words on this list by July.
- August
- By the time of its admission for UN membership in August 1972, the new state was recognized by 86 countries.
- August brings us to the eighth month of our modern calendar and it is the month when Indonesia gained its independence.
- Another raid took place on 13 August 1943, after Mussolini had been ousted from power.
- In August 2016, many activists and corporations supplied drinking water to poor people affected by the heat wave in the United States.
- November to March have the highest mean wind speeds, and June to August have the lightest winds.
- This tree was cut down on 31 August 1863, and Queen Victoria had another tree planted on the same site.
- On August 24, 2009 the Government of Clevasteria announced a complete ban on backyard fireworks.
- In some municipalities of Western Finland it is allowed to use fireworks without a fire station’s permission on the last weekend of August.
- In Switzerland Fireworks are often used on the 1st of August, which is a national celebration day.
- In Indonesia, many people celebrate independence day on August the 17th.
- Indonesia declared as independent country on 17 August 1945.
- In August, there are lots of festivals and competition held to commemorate independence day of Indonesia.
- Nina said she will go to Paris in August.
- Congress approved the plan in August
- In August, I’m going to Thailand with my friends.
- Our teacher will return from India in August 30th.
- Putri Ayu won International singing competition in Cairo on 4 August 2013.
- This year there were few rainy days in August.
- He left for England at the beginning of August last year.
- I’m going to Singapore with my girlfriend in August.
- In late August, the Russian Federation attacked the terrorist in Middle East.
- She told me that she would go to Tokyo in August.
- Many stores offer discounts in the month of August.
- The discovery took place on a warm August day in 1896.
- On the fifteenth of August, thousands of people fly kites.
- A party will be held next Saturday, that is to say, on August
- Many of the city’s leading restaurants close down for the whole of August because of the bad weather during that month.
- September
- Hans was eager to return to school in September.
- Christian got into this school in September last year.
- Jean is ready to go to college in September this year.
- In September, 1929, stock prices stopped rising and caused lost for a number of investors.
- The date on the calendar was September 23, 2003 when the Tsunami hit the coastal area of Costarica.
- I hope to have my car paid off by next September.
- The first sign of trouble came in September
- The president left Washington in the beginning of September.
- Their assignments were handed in on September 2
- I am working full-time at a bookshop until the end of September.
- Frank and Matilda will be studying at the University of San Francisco in September.
- I will see her on next Tuesday, that is to say, the 10th of September.
- In September, there are just a few people here and there on the beach to relax.
- On September 26, 1959, the strongest typhoon in Japan’s recorded history hit Nagoya.
- Keisha chose a blue that corresponds to the color of the brilliantly clear sky above New York on that day in September.
- The new couple went on a break to Paris in September 2002, but split up within a fortnight of their return, jurors heard.
- I watch a new Indonesian movie entitled Jurassic Mini Park that was launched on 27 September 2018.
- A reminder to all the ladies travelling to Westport in September that the balance of payment is due on or before the last week in July.
- On September 17, Soviet troops invaded and then occupied eastern Poland under the terms of this agreement.
- She died on September 30, 1897 at the age of 24 after eighteen months of great physical suffering and desolation of spirit.
- The repellent will be tested at the First Monster 75 mile cycling and running duathlon around Brightstone in September.
- The first draft of the documents was unveiled last September, following an extensive consultation process.
- October
- William plans to stay in Boston until October.
- Tom told Mary that he’d go to Rhode Island in October.
- Tom Jackson was born in Miami on October 20, 1995.
- Tom told me he was planning to go to Jamaica in October.
- The best time to visit Canada is in October because you can see the mapple leaves fall from its tree.
- They say that every year the number of tourists is the greatest in October.
- There was a suggestion that the general meeting should take place in October.
- The stock market crash of October 1987 in New York is still obviously
- If you cannot make full remittance, please get in touch with me by October 28, 2018.
- In October 2010, medical geneticists suggested that all three of the great waves of the plague originated in China.
- In October and November 2000 York experienced the worst flooding in 375 years with more than 300 homes flooded.
- Claudius’ ashes were interred in the Mausoleum of Augustus on 24 October 54 AD, after a funeral in the manner of Augustus.
- Louis did so but in October 2005, before the conflict was conclusively ended, John died.
- We still remembered that in October 2006, two big disasters hits the country in the same day.
- November
- On November seventh, Greta and her team reached the Atlantic
- The English debate competition took place on the ninth of November.
- In Japan, the cold season starts in the middle of November.
- There is usually good weather in November throughout China.
- Tom was surprised that Mary had never listened to November
- Please fill in the application form and send it back by November
- In Morocco, Maroc Soir that was launched in November 2005, is published in tabloid format.
- From November 1886 to January 1887, Morris’ novel, A Dream of John Ball, was serialized in Commonweal.
- The Scots were defeated at Battle of Solway Moss on 24 November 1542, and James died on 15 December.
- He ruled the Principality of Wales until 29 November 1489 and was Lord of Ireland.
- On Friday 6 November 2009 Clevaster hosted the world game championship to mark the opening of the new stand on the north side of the ground.
- A new book by Frank Walter was released in the United States on 20 November 2007.
- December
- In December 1941 up to 1945, the United States and other countries in Europe were at war.
- The Japanese attacked Pearl Harbor on December 7, 1941.
- Japan declared war on the United States in December, 1941.
- The accident occurred in Montgomery, Alabama, on December 1, 1955.
- On December 27th 1990, the crown prince was shot by unknown person.
- Contrary to the prophecy of Maya tribes, the world was not destroyed on December 21, 2012.
- December is the last month of the year.
- In December 1989, The Indonesian troops were sent to Central Africa.
- On 3 December 2012, it was announced that the BBC would be adapting The Casual Vacancy into a television drama miniseries.
- The title of the seventh and final Harry Potter book was announced on 21 December 2006 as Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows.
- In December, Rowling’s mother Anne died after ten years suffering from multiple sclerosis.
- On December 21, 2015, my parents opened their store with a very meagre selection of butter, sugar, flour, oatmeal and a few candles.
- They married on 10 January 2019, and their daughter, Ada, was born in December of that year.
- As the school semester ends in December, lots of students seems happy to welcome holidays.
- Christmas is celebrated every 25 December by the Christians.
Contoh Percakapan dengan Nama Bulan

Penggunaan nama bulan dalam suatu percakapan biasanya berisi tentang informasi yang berkaitan dengan waktu atau suatu momen. Selain itu, nama bulan juga mengindikasikan kapan seseorang berulang tahun, periode musim di negara subtropis dan tropis, dan sebagainya. Berikut ini adalah beberapa contoh percakapan bahasa Inggris yang menggunakan nama bulan. Percakapan disajikan dengan konteks dan situasi yang berbeda-beda.
Contoh 1
Teacher: Hello, Good Morning Students
Students: Good Morning, Ma’am
Teacher: How are you today?
Students: I am fine, thank you. And you?
Teacher: I am fine too, thanks. Okay, great. Now we are going to remember what we learnt yesterday. I am going to ask you several questions.
Students: Okay Mam.
Teacher: What month is it now?
Student 1: This Month is December, Mam.
Teacher: Yap, good answer. What month is it next month?
Student 2: Hmmm, the next month will be January, Mam. Is it right?
Teacher : Yes, good for you. The next question is What month is last month?
Student 3: It is easy Mam. Last month is November, when we had mid semester.
Teacher: Definitely yes! Good job to you all. Now let’s study the next material….
Contoh 2
Jack: Hi, Rose. Have you any plan to spend your holiday?
Rose: Hi, Jack. Yes, I have. I plan to go to Hong Kong to go vacation as well as celebrate my birthday/
Jack: Ouch, that sounds nice. When is your birthday?
Rose: My birthday is on December 31st. I can’t wait to go there
Jack: Wow, it is in New Year’s Eve. Okay Rose, have fun on your trip
Rose: Haha, yeah. Thanks Jack.
Contoh 3
Mia: What month is Christmas?
Christian: it is on 25 December
Mia: What month is Easter?
Christian: it depends as the date is not fixed like Xmas. However, Easter usually occurs between March and April.
Mia: Okay, Chris. And do you go on a holiday in those months?
Christian: I am not sure but sometimes I have quality times either with family or with friends on those months.
Contoh 4
Roro: Andi, which month is the hardest for you to spell?
Andi: For me, it is April and February.
Roro: Why is it so?
Andi: Because I am not good at pronouncing R sound, and those months are pronounced clearly with R.
Roro: Oh I see, like you call my name. There is double R on it
Andi: Yeah, as you learn.
Contoh 5
Syahila: Hi friends, how is it going?
Sasha: Hi lala, its going well. Thanks and you
Jason: Hi, it is not so bad, how about you.
Syahila: I am pretty good, but schools life is a bit hectic these days. Guys, I wanna ask you questions to complete my assignment.
Jason: What is it about?
Sasha: yeah
Syahila: Oh, it is easy, its all about months of the year. I know you guys from different countries.
Sasha: Ok, just go on.
Syahila: Alright. Which month is the hottest in your country?
Sasha: As I am from Russia, the hottest month is between the end of June and the beginning of July, for me.
Jason: Yeah, it is different. I am from New Zealand and the hottest month is December.
Syahila: Okay, and which month is the coldest?
Sasha: in Russia, the coldest is in January or February
Jason: in Australia, the coldest month is May or June
Syahila: wow, interesting. Which month do you guys like best?
Sasha: I like spring where I can see the green trees and beautiful flowers. Well, I like April and May since spring occur on those months.
Jason: I think I like autumn. It happens between September to December, but I like November the most.
Syahila: What a nice information to know, thank you guys.
Jason, sasha: anytime
Contoh 6
Teacher: Okay students, as we already learn geography. I want to ask you question about season.
Students: Okay Mam, we are ready
Teacher: Which month does summer begin in the USA?
Student 1: The summer begins on 21 June to 23 September, Mam.
Teacher: Yes, right. And which month does winter begin?
Student 2: I can Mam. It is on 21 December to 21 March
Teacher: Good for you!
Contoh 7
Sherina: Hi Brian, you are from Indonesia right?
Brian: Yes, I am. Why ?
Sherina: I am wondering which month does your school begin and which month does your school end?
Brian: Oh, there are two terms in Indonesia. the 1st term for school is between January and June, and the second is between July to December. Therefore, the school begins in either January or July, and it ends in either June or December.
Sherine: Oh, I got it know. Thanks Brian.
Brian: Its okay, you are welcome.
Contoh 8
Teacher: Dear students, I want to hear your opinion by asking questions.
Students: Yes Mam, what is it?
Teacher: What month do you like the least and why?
Student 1: I do not like July, because the weather is too hot. I need to drink a lot as well
Student 2: I do not like January because it is winter. Sometimes the extreme snow hits our country. It makes many building damage and road is not able to access.
Teacher: What month do you like the best and why?
Student 3: I like October because there is Halloween. We celebrate it at the end of October. I like wearing costume like ghost or fictional character. Also, I got sweets and chocolate.
Student 4: I like December as it is winter and Christmas is on this month. I can spend the holiday with family by doing skiing or playing snow in park.
Contoh 9
Maria: Angga, how do you say the months of the year in your native language?
Angga: Oh it is easy Maria. Januari, Februari, Maret, April, Mei, Juni. Juli, Agustus, September, Oktober, November, Desember. How about you Maria?
Maria: My native language is English. Well, it almost sounds the same like Indonesian. January, February, March, April, May, June. July, August, September, October, November, December.
Kumpulan Lagu Nama Bulan
Salah satu metode belajar bahasa Inggris adalah dengan lagu. Pada dasarnya, sebuah lagu untuk pembelajaran bisa kita ciptakan sendiri. Caranya yaitu dengan mengambil nada atau musik dari lagu lain dan kemudian kita terapkan ke materi yang akan kita gunakan. Namun, di era teknologi saat ini, banyak sumber yang bisa dijadikan referensi, salah satunya adalah YouTube. Melalui aplikasi tersebut, ada banyak materi dalam bentuk lagu yang bisa diambil untuk diajarkan ke anak-anak murid. Berikut adalah beberpa contoh lagu nama bulan dalam bahasa Inggris,
Contoh 1
Tune: Ten Little Indians
and April!
and August!
These are the months of the year!
Contoh 2
Months of The Year- Syllable Song
Months of the year
Syllable Song
Clap the syllable
Then sing along
Jan-u-ar-y (January)
Feb-ru-ar-y (February)
March (March)
A-pril (April)
May (May)
June (June)
Ju-ly (July)
Au-gust (August)
Sep-tem-ber (September)
Oc-to-ber (October)
No-vem-ber (November)
De-cem-ber (December)
Months of the year
Syllable Song
Stop the syllable
Then sing along
Back to *
Contoh 3
12 Months
12 Months
And then you start back over
12 Months
Shout it in a cheer
12 Months
And then you start back over
12 Months
Are in a year
January February March
April May
June July August
September October
November December
Those are the months
12 months in a year
Contoh 4
Months of The Year Song
March April
May June July
August September
October November December
Come on you try
March April
May June July
August September
October November December
Come on let’s try
These are the months the year 3x
12 months in every year 2x
Contoh 5
Months of the Year Song- Nursery Rhymes and Kids Song
It is time to skip; it is time to ski
On snow filled hills….in the month of January
As the snow melts,”Lets Dance”, says the bee,
Lets hold hands and sing song…. in the month of February
Cold winds and frostbites are a thing of the past,
As we feel the warmth… in the month of March
Outside my window dances the little squirrel,
Spring has finally arrived… in the month of April
Around the green fields, we run and play
While the sun smiles at us… in the month of May
We play on the beach and throw water balloons,
On a hot summer’s day… in the month of June
The birds chirp and fly high, up in the sky,
As we sip cool lemonade… in the month of July
When summer comes to an end, it will surely be missed,
As we dance in the corn fields… in the month of August
As the birds fly away, we must always remember
To bid them farewell… in the month of September
When the leaves turn orange, and the winds grow cooler,
Autumn has arrived… in the month of October
As the sun sets early and the skies get darker,
Snow starts falling… in the month of November
We sip hot cocoa and sing carols together
On a cold winters night… in the month of December
Itulah sedikit ulasan dan pengetahuan mengenai nama bulan dalam bahasa Inggris serta cara penggunaaanya baik dalam kalimat, percakapan, ataupun lagu. Apapun metode pembelajaran yang digunakan, yang terpenting adalah tingkat pemahamannya. Belajar bahasa Inggris tidaklah terlalu sulit asalkan ada kemauan dan tekad. Salah satu kunci utama yaitu dengan mengenal kosakata dalam bahasa Inggris. Apabila seseorang sudah mengenal, mengetahui, dan menghafal kosakata bahasa Inggris, tentunya akan semakin mudah untuk mempelajarinya. Setelah itu, dilanjutkan dengan penerapannya seperti membuat kalimat dalam bahasa Inggris, mempraktikkannya melalui percakapan, atau mengajarkannya melalui lagu.