Asking for Directions


Conversation 1

Woman : Excuse me, Sir.
Man : Yes. Can I help you?
Woman : Yes, Sir. Could you tell me how to get the nearest supermarket?
Man : Well, the nearest supermarket is located about 200 meters from here. So, you can keep going straight and it will be on your left
Woman : Thank you, Sir
Man : You’re welcome

Conversation 2

Man : Excuse me, Sir
Old man: Yes, how can I help you?
Man : Yes, Sir. I’m sorry I’m looking for this address. Do you know where it is?
Old man: Well, this address refers to a house next to my shop
Man : Oh, really? Am I on the right way for the address?
Old man: Yes. You just need to continue straight ahead and when you see crossroads you take the left way and it will be on your left.
Man : Well, thank you very much Sir.
Old man: No problem

Conversation 3

Girl : Excuse me, Ma’am. Is this the right way for Suka Cita elementary school?
Woman : I’m sorry I think you are going in the wrong way.
Girl : Oh, do you know where the school is?
Woman : Well, you can go back on your way and take right way from the crossroads


Supermarket = pasar swalayan (n).
(to be) located = terletak (v). passive
You’re welcome = terima kasih kembali
Address = alamat (n)
refer to = merujuk pada (v)
Next to = dekat dengan (adj).
Elementary school = sekolah dasar (n)


Asking for directions, ungkapan yang digunakan untuk meminta pentujuk dan arah untuk pergi ke suatu tempat
– Could you tell me how to get to the nearest bus station? = Bisakah Anda memberitahu saya bagaimana menuju ke terminal bis terdekat?
– Do you know where the post office is? = Apakah Anda tahu dimana tempat kantor pos?
– I’m looking for this address. Do you know where it is? = Saya sedang mencari alamat ini. Apakah Anda tahu dimana tempatnya?
– Excuse me. Am I on the right road for Pondok Indah mall? = Permisi, apakah saya ada di jalan yang tepat menuju ke mall Pondok Indah?
– Is this the right way for Pembangunan Jaya School? = Apakah ini jalan yang tepat menuju sekolah Pembangunan Jaya?
– Can you point me out where Asri park is? = Bisakah Anda tunjukan pada saya dimana letak taman Asri?
– Do you mind to show me where the nearest food stall is around here? = Apakah Anda tidak keberatan menunjukan pada saya dimana kedai makanan terdekat di sekitar sini?
– (Gunakan ‘Excuse me’ sebelum bertanya agar pertanyaan terkesan lebih sopan)
Giving the directions, ungkapan yang digunakan untuk memberikan petunjuk atau arah suatu tempat
– Well, it’s this way = ini jalannya/ lewat sini
– Go down there and then turn right = Turun dari sana dan lalu belok ke kanan
– Take this road and keep going straight = Lewat jalan ini dan teruslah berjalan lurus
– Take the first one on the left = Ambil jalan yang pertama pada sebelah kiri
– Take the second one on the right = Ambil jalan yang kedua pada sebelah kanan
– Turn right at the crossroads = belok ke kanan pada persimpangan
– You are going in the wrong way = Anda lewat jalan yang salah
– You are going in the wrong direction = Anda melewati arah yang salah
– Continue straight ahead for about 500 m = Terus saja berjalan lurus ke depan untuk sekitar 500 meter
– You’ll pass a pet store on your left = Anda akan melewati toko hewan peliharaan di sisi kiri Anda
– Keep going for another 300 meters = Teruslah berjalan 300 meter lagi
– Keep going, it will be on your right = Teruslah berjalan, tempatnya akan berada di sisi kanan Anda

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