Past Perfect Continuous Tense

Dalam Bahasa Inggris, ada banyak cara untuk mengungkapkan suatu tindakan atau kejadian yang sudah berlangsung. Umumnya, kita akan menggunakan pola past tense. Salah satu pola past tense adalah Past Perfect Continuous Tense. Seperti halnya past tense, pola ini juga untuk menyatakan kejadian yang terjadi di masa lampau. Tapi tense ini digunakan untuk mengekspresikan suatu kejadian yang sudah dimulai dan sedang berlangsung di masa lampau tapi saat ini sudah tidak terjadi lagi. Contohnya :
Past Perfect Continuous Tense

I had been collecting papers all morning. Kalimat ini menceritakan suatu kejadian di masa lampau, di mana aku sedang mengumpulkan uang. Kejadian ini saat ini sudah selesai. Si pencerita hanya sekedar ingin menceritakan kejadian itu ketika sedang berlangsung di masa lampau.

Fungsi Past Perfect Continuous Tense

1. Menceritakan tindakan yang telah terjadi dan sedang berlangsung di masa lalu sampai titik waktu tertentu di masa lalu juga.
Contoh :
When Indra came, Nina had been cooking.
Kalimat ini menceritakan kejadian di masa lampau. Ini menceritakan bahwa ketika Indra datang, Nina sedang memasak, dan kegiatan memasak ini sudah dimulai sejak Indra belum datang. Kegiatan memasak itu telah terjadi dan juga telah selesai di masa lampau.

2. kalimat pengandaian (Conditional Sentence) Type III
Contoh :
If it hadn’t been raining, we would have played football.
Kalimat diatas mengungkapkan suatu pengandaian tentang suatu hal yang tidak benar-benar terjadi, atau kita membayangkan seolah-olah kejadian itu terjadi.

3. kalimat tak langsung (reported / indirect speech)
Direct speech : “She was cooking”
Indirect speech : She said that she had been cooking.

Rumus Past Perfect Continuous Tense

1. Positif (+)
Subject + had + been + verb-ing + object
2. Negatif (-)
Subject + had + not + been + verb-ing + object
3. Tanya (?)
Had + subject + been + object ?

Contoh kalimat Past Perfect Continuous tense :
He had been living in Jakarta about ten years (+)
– Dia telah sedang tinggal di Jakarta sekitar 10 tahun
He had not been living in Jakarta about ten years (-)
– dia belum tinggal di Jakarta sekitar 10 tahun
Had He been living in Jakarta about ten years ? (?)
– apakah dia telah tinggal di Jakarta selamat 10 tahun ?

Perbedaan antara Present Perfect Continuous and Past Perfect Continuous

Ada perbedaan mendasar dalam penggunaan Present Perfect Continuous dan Past Perfect Continuous Tense. Present Perfect Continuous digunakan untuk mengungkapkan tindakan yang terus berlanjut sampai sekarang, sedangkan kejadian yang menggunakan pola Past Perfect Continuous itu telah terjadi dan telah selesai. Contoh :
We have been living here since October.
Kami telah hidup di sini sejak Oktober. (Kami sudah hidup di sini sejak Oktober, tapi sampai saat ini, kami juga masih tinggal di tempat itu)
We had been living here since October.
Kami telah tinggal di sini sejak Oktober. (kami menceritakan bahwa kami pernah tinggal di sini sejak Oktober, tapi kini sudah tidak tinggal di tempat itu lagi)

Berikut latihan Past Perfect Continuous tense bahasa inggris. Jika mengalami kesulitan dalam arti kata gunakan kamus bahasa inggris online :

Latihan : terjemahkan kalimat ini kedalam bahasa inggris
1.Mereka sudah bermain bola selama satu jam ketika ada petir yang menakutkan
2.Ken sudah merokok selama 30 tahun ketika akhirnya dia berhenti
3.Orkestra itu sudah bermain selama sepuluh menit ketika seorang laki laki berteriak
4.Saya sudah mengetik selama tiga puluh menit ketika listrik itu padam
5.Mereka sudah tidur selama 6 jam ketika kebakaran itu terjadi

7 thoughts on “Past Perfect Continuous Tense”

  1. they had been playing football for 2 hours when it had a scary thunder happened
    ken had been smoking for 3 years when he had finally stopped it
    that orchestra had been starting for 1o minutes when a man had screamed
    i had been typed for 30 minutes when the electricity had gone
    they had been slept for 6 hours when fire had happened

  2. 1. They had been playing ball for 1 hour when there is lightning that scary

    2. ken has benn smoking for 30 years when she finally stops

    3. the orchestra had benn playing for 10 minutes when a men shout

    4. i had been typing for 30 minutes when the electricity went out

    5. they have sleeping for 6 hours when the accident happened

  3. 1 they had been playing foot ball for one hour when there is lightning that scary
    2 ken had been smoking for thirty years when finaly he is stop
    3 the orchestra had been playing for ten minute when a man shouting
    4 I had been typing for thirty minute when the electricity go out
    5 they had been sleep for six hour when the fire happen

  4. 1 they had been playing soccer for one hours when there is thunder scary .
    2 ken had been smoking for thirty years when finnaly he’s quick.
    3 that orkestra had been playing for ten minutes when a man yealing.
    4 I was had typing for thirty minutes when the ligth of.
    5 they had been to sleep for six hours when the fire hapenned,

  5. 1.they had been playing football for 2 hours when there is litghning the scary.
    2.ken had been smoking for 30 years when finally he stop
    3.the orkestra had been playing for ten minutes when a man is shout
    4. I had been typing thirty minutes when the light off.
    5.they had been sleeping for six hours when the fire happened

  6. 1.they had been playing football for an hour when the scary thunder happened
    2.ken had been smoking for 30 years when he finally stopped it
    3.that orchestra had been played for ten minutes when the man shouted
    4.they had been sleeping for six hours when the fire happened


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